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Intimes Paarfoto, Frau küsst man von hinten auf die Stirne.

Let's capture
moments of life

Zwei Arme mit Tattoo's greifen ineinander vor einer weissen Wand

I love photographing people, their stories, their emotions,
showing their love in pictures fills my heart.

That's why the best thing for me is to have an unforgettable time together with you and your favorite person. 

Photographing the most beautiful spots in nature, with the magic of light and capturing unforgettable moments

Are you in?

Gif Olivenbaum.gif

Where life begins and LOVE never ends.

Junge Frau im Boho Stil steht auf einem Feld vor dem Schilf und greift sich locker an den Hut

Photo Session

- everyone is welcome -

Whether you've just fallen in love, have been in love for a while and are now engaged, have love in your belly, already have a handful of kids on your hands or, last but not least, of course, all singles. I love getting to know people, spending time together in nature and being creative. In my opinion, the love between people or even for yourself is the most valuable thing in our world. Making it visible in my pictures and creating memories that will still have great meaning years from now, or perhaps even then, makes me incredibly happy.

- What’s inside -

☽ Up to 2 hours shooting time

☽ At least 50 edited and
high resolution photos
☽ Delivery of the image material in digital
Form on a USB stick

Price from CHF 460.-

Mystisches Paarfoto das während einem Verlobungsshooting bei windigem Wetter entstanden ist.
Foto von einem Geschenkgutschein von Moonstories Photography

Adventure Photo Session


- greatest adventure ahead -

- a gift that will last a lifetime -

You have a special connection to the mountains or dream of taking photos in your favorite place together. I would love to go 'on an adventure' with you ☺ We will travel together through Switzerland to your dream shooting location, enjoy a cozy picnic and simply have a great time. In this ambience, you are sure to create beautiful, natural pictures of yourselves. You'll experience an adventure and get photos together in a magical place.

- What’s inside -

☽ Arrival at your dream location in Switzerland

☽ Picnic together

☽ Up to 2 hours shooting time

☽ At least 50 edited and high-resolution      
     high-resolution photos
☽ Handover of the image material in digital form
     on a USB stick

Looking for a creative and unique gift? What could be better than giving away precious memories that will last forever?

- What’s inside -

☽ Choose free amount from CHF 50.- or

Select photo session package

Price from CHF 850.-


It's a match?

Then I am so happy to hear from you

- your wedding day -

If your life was a book what would this chapter be called ?

Whether it's the memories of the big celebration, pictures of your

intimate elopement or if you decide to slip into your dresses again after the wedding and take photos together in total privacy.


I celebrate you for simply doing your thing on your big day. 
Listening to your heart and turning the wildest ideas into reality. 

Throwing existing traditions overboard and being brave. 

I love barefoot weddings, if you celebrate in the craziest places

then I am meant for you.  
It doesn't matter how many people you celebrate with, as long as it's totally your thing.

Zwei Hände mit Eheringen sind zum Himmel gestreckt, das Foto ist elegant in schwarz/weiss.
Haus in der Toskana auf dem Gelände einer Hochzeitslocation
Das Brautpaar steckt sich auf dem Standesamt in Burgdorf, Schweiz, die Hochzeitsringe an.

Civil Wedding

- short but sweet -

The civil wedding is an important and beautiful step in your shared history. I capture the most important moments but also the small, inconspicuous moments. So that you can experience this day again and again when you look at the pictures.

- What’s inside -

☽  Bis zwei Stunden fotografische Begleitung​

☽  Passwortgeschützte Online-Galerie für 4 Monate

☽  Mind. 150 bearbeitete und hochaufgelöste Fotos

☽  Übergabe der Bilder zusätzlich in digitaler Form auf     einem USB-Stick

(So that you can share the photos with all your guests)

Preis ab CHF 890.-

Freie Trauung am Thunersee im Parkhotel Guten


- your biggest day -

Mit viel Empathie, Humor und Flexibilität begleite ich euch durch diesen so wichtigen Tag. Ich möchte euch unterstützen und eine Freundin sein, nicht bloss eine Dienstleisterin. Weil ich der Meinung bin, dass ich durch diese Nähe, euch mit eurem ganzen Wesen wahrnehmen und auf meinen Fotos abbilden kann. Dabei lege ich viel Wert auf die kleinen Momente zwischen euch und auch zwischen euch und euren Gästen. Damit eure Geschichte auf den Fotos so widergespiegelt wird, wie sie war. Mit samt der vollen Portion Vorfreude, Nervosität und Liebe. Ich begleite euch gerne ab 6 Stunden in der Schweiz und wenn ihr euer Fest im Ausland plant ab 8 Stunden.

- What’s inside -

☽ 6 hours of photographic accompaniment of your day

☽ Password-protected online gallery for 4 months

☽ At least 300 edited and high-resolution photos

☽ Delivery of the images additionally in digital form on a USB stick

(So that you can share the photos with all your guests)

Price from CHF 2800.-

Boho After Wedding Shooting in Südfrankreich

After Wedding 

- because it is beautiful again -

An after-wedding shoot gives you the opportunity to slip into your wedding outfits again. Maybe you are not satisfied with the existing photos or you just want to take pictures again in a beautiful location. We will travel together to your dream location in Switzerland (abroad on request ☺) and create your wedding photos in the most beautiful surroundings. Of course, an after wedding shoot can also be planned in advance. This way you won't have any stress at your wedding and can enjoy the moments with your loved ones. We plan the after-wedding shoot shortly after the wedding and have plenty of time to create your memories for eternity in the most beautiful evening light and without time pressure.

- What’s inside -

Travel to a location of your choice (Switzerland-wide)

A small snack for in between

1 - 2 hours shooting

☽ At least 50 edited and high-resolution photos

☽ Delivery of the images additionally in digital form on a USB stick

Price from CHF 850.-

( Hunger is not a good condition for harmonious photos ;-))

 Add Ons

☽ Additional hours on site incl. 50-70
edited photos per hour

Price per hour CHF 280.-

☽ Second photographer during a
certain number of hours

Price by agreement

☽  High Quality Fotoalbum mit euren
     Lieblingsfotos und Wunschdesign

Price from CHF 690.-

Illustration einer Boho Sonne

My capacity is limited to a select number of weddings.

So that I can be fully present on your big day with all my heart and soul.

Romantisches Elopement, Brautpaar küsst sich vor einer atemberaubenden Bergkulisse auf der Belalp.


- let’s runaway -

Ihr plant ein Elopement in den Bergen oder am Meer?
Egal wo, ich bin dabei! 
Erzählt mir von euren Plänen und ich erstelle euch
ein individuelles Angebot.

What happens next?

- for wedding couples -

Your personal request

Ich freue mich bereits einen ersten Einblick zu bekommen. Erzählt mir gerne etwas über euch und euren einzigartigen Tag. 

Personal get-together conversation

We will meet at your home or in a café so that we can get to know each other a little better.

Decision booking

Contract signing

Then you can decide
and definitely book me.

Now the contract is signed
& you can tick something off your list ;)

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